After all my years in pro basketball up until now I thought I had seen it all but no, now the NBA has partnered with a camera tracking system to monitor every move a player makes on the court and gauge how tired he is and also keep an eye on the job that the referees are doing. So now, after you’ve had your phone calls listened to and your emails read, you can go into an NBA arena and get your picture taken.  What a bunch of bullshit.  Are you telling me that with all the coaches, assistant coaches, trainers, assistant trainers, weight coaches and of course video coordinators that teams can’t tell when a player is fucking tired?  Also, do you think the referees need to go to work every night knowing that their every move is on camera?  I don’t think so.  I would  imagine that you might be hearing from them.  Actually, we should put the smart guys in the league office and the smart guys in the NBA on camera, so, we can watch their every move.  Unbelievable.

Just so you know, 15 teams in the NBA each at the cost of a $100,000 have been using this camera tracking system.  The Toronto Raptors were at the forefront of this technology in the article I read. The last time I looked they were on or near the bottom of the heap and the guy that was running it was moved upstairs.
They  have “ghosts” in this system but I am saving that for later – maybe “Halloween Night”.###