Everyone should know both players were predisposed and troubled right out of high school.  Odom was able to get 14 years in the NBA, an amazing feat and Beasley half that.  Now people are saying, Odom can still play and  a  recent Florida newspaper article was  titled,”Beasley Remains In Heat Thoughts”. Both players are still young and we should be concerned about their future and their quality of life rather than whether they can still play basketball.

I had this conversation with a good friend of mine who is a Harvard Graduate and I am going to use his Harvard Analogy: Harvard University chooses you.  You do not choose Harvard University, that being said they do everything in their power during your stay to be sure that you are productive and that you succeed.  In the NBA,we choose a player through the draft  and we spend most of the time honing their basketball skills and spend little time preparing them for life during and after basketball.###