In my previous blogs, I listed four of Scotty McDonald’s Defensive Commandments.  I am going to list the remaining defensive commandments so you can look at some of the  similarities that we talked about in an earlier blog. We will start with rule 5;
Rule 5: “Don’t let your man establish offensive center position against you at short post,normal post, or long post-get in front of him with daylight at all costs-the weak side defensive back line man will protect you against the lob pass-if he doesn’t protect you, give him hell:
6.  Back line defensive men should never let their men beat them across the post area from the weak side-if the enemy tries to come across from weak side, pick him up and throw him  back to where he came from, and tell him to be a good boy and stay away from the action-but if he should happen to beat you across the post from weak side, then play him like a post man and get in front at all costs just as explained in item 5 above:
7.  The strong side back line defensive men must play their guy butt-to-ball so as to force the enemy forwards beyond normal operating area to receive the pass from the enemy guards-after you push that enemy out beyond the danger area, then you can start playing regular defense on him with the ball according to whatever instructions you have been given-but DON’T let that guy have the easy position and the easy pass-frustrate the pass by playing butt-to-ball, nose to nose, no vision defense-don’t worry about back door, our sixth man on defense will always be there to help you;
8.  Our front line defensive men should play the ball handler on outside foot, and turn him in toward the middle where all the traffic is and we can then grind him up-however, you boys have already learned a great deal about playing on the inside foot and forcing the ball handler to the outside; I think John Kerr will tell you which way to play for various teams-and both theories have their goods-and bads, so simply do whatever he says, on this point or any other point.  I like playing outside foot, but that is simply my way-you do it whichever way he tells you to do it;
9.  Anticipate passing lanes-almost every spot on the court has only three available passing lanes; since we will have six men on defense at all times, why can’t we frustrate those three passing lanes and still have guys to spare!
10. On defensive boards, keep the enemy out of the rebounding AREA don’t be so stupid as to try to out-rebound your man-keep him out of the rebounding area to begin with and the rest is simple;
11. Weak side back line defensive men should help out our defensive centers against the lob-and should be ready to help out against drivers down the middle-don’t worry about your guy when you help out because our sixth man on defense will take care of your guy; 
12.  Don’t let any enemy EVER drive base line on you from the corner-but he WILL try to do so-they all want to drive base line;
13. Plug the driving lanes;
14. Talk’
15. Use vision;
16. Use defensive fakes-they are just as important as offensive fakes;
17. Play the point of the ball tough;
18. Never go by a ball handler without picking or snapping at the ball and trying to take the air out of it.
19. If your man,without the ball,starts to go somewhere on the the court,be sure to bother him-chest him-irritate him-disturb his rhythm and movement and peace of mind-why let him wander around free and easy and happy?
20. NEVER, be afraid to free lance or two-time or three-time-our sixth man on defense will help you;
21. Help each other and EXPECT help from each other;
22. Help your center and EXPECT help from your center;
23. Never concede territory to a jump shooter by retreating as he starts his dribble-GO INTO HIM  on the dribble-if you retreat you will give him time for his “gather”, and that’s exactly what he wants you to do;
24.NEVER,NEVER,NEVER let the enemy bring the ball down the court on the dribble unmolested-please go stop that unmolested dribbler;
25.  Hands up on defense whether your man has the ball or not-if he has the ball,kindly put your fingers in his eyeball,both eyeballs;
26. When we tell you to play your man nose-to nose, with and without, then you do it just that way-as far as you  are concerned, you can’t see see what is going on and you don’t care-but the other five guys on defense will keep on talking to you and helping you, so don’t worry, don’t worry-just go get on your own guy all by yourself-make him you enemy for life;
27. You guys do not know how to use your hands to hand check the ball handler-think it over-there are ways;
28.  If your man has dribbled you into position near the basket and is about ready to stop, get his gather, and go up for the jumper, then the first thing for you to do is this: bump hips-the first guy to bump hips will win that little argument-if he bumps you first, you are dead-if you bump him first, he will miss his jump shot;
29. BELIEVE in defense-you can play good defense every night, but can you play good offense every night;
30.  Believe in defense-it is the most important part of basketball because DEFENSE IS BASKETBALL.”

“Please put these 30 commandments in your wallet and carry them with you at all times (if you don’t have room in your wallet, throw away your wife’s picture and make room-defense is more important than any woman); each morning, turn your face to the rising sun, and get down on your knees and read this set of commandments and then say with reverence, and with both hands folded on breast (your breast) “I believe in defense, I believe in defense, I believe in defense.”
